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Project information

Least cost electrification study and mini-grid portfolio readiness assessment for Pakistan

R. Palacios A. González-García I.J. Pérez-Arriaga S. Díaz-Pastor P. Ciller

June 2021 - September 2023

Funding entity World Bank

Participated by Wayvolution S.L, Waya Energy Inc, TFE Energy GmbH, Trama Tecnoambiental S.L, PITCO (Pvt) Ltd

The Government of Pakistan adopted sustainable development goals (SDGs) in February 2016. As a part of SDGs, the government has targeted universal energy access by 2030. This project aims to analyze both grid extension and off-grid systems as a potential solution for providing energy access to unelectrified population, allowing to electrify 32 million households.
The World Bank (WB) is supporting Pakistan’s energy sector through “Pakistan Sustainable Energy Program” which includes this project to assist the Government in identifying solutions to achieve universal energy access in Pakistan.
The organizations involved in this project will use the Reference Electrification Model (REM) and the Village Data Analytics (VIDA) for the LCES and mini-grid portfolio assessment respectively. The chosen model and analytical tool have been successfully used for similar activities worldwide.
The Least-Cost Electrification Study (LCES) shall include:
(i) Geospatial analysis (grid and off-grid) - The detailed geospatial analysis will consider, based on good practice and international experience, possible least-cost options for electrification, provide a sound strategic basis to implement systematically staged grid extensions and the deployment of off-grid technologies (mini-grids and standalone systems) powered by cost-effective renewable energy solutions where appropriate.
(ii) Recommendations for implementation – Recommendations on policies, actions and investments needed to achieve the goal of universal electricity access by 2030, including proposed intermediate targets, corresponding investment financing frameworks, an action plan to address the enabling policy and institutional framework, and capacity strengthening initiatives for key sector institutions and agencies involved.
The Mini-Grid Portfolio Assessment shall support mini-grid pipeline development to assist the World Bank in conducting its due diligence on a potential mini-grid investment operation and provide useful evidence and data to sector agencies and stakeholders.

Layman's summary: The Least-Cost Electrification Study and Mini-Grid Portfolio Assessment will select the best electrification technology (grid extension, mini-grids or standalone systems) for almost 32 million households, productive uses and community buildings (e.g. schools and health centers) all over the country.